OK 2 Play

Moama and Ok2Play

OK2PLAY? Digital Platform Enhances Moama Bowling Club Community Support

With almost one hundred years of operation, the Moama Bowling Club has a deep seeded history within the local community. This history continues today as the Club is involved with more than eighty community groups and organisations across all areas, including youth engagement, disability support, tourism, health, culture and the arts.

A social hub, the facility provides the Moama and surrounding communities not only a place to enjoy a meal, catch up with friends, world class sporting facilities, entertainment and, perhaps overlooked, employment for approximately 250 staff.

It comes as no shock that a venue so deeply committed to fostering community and prioritising its members has made the bold decision to integrate the cutting-edge OK2PLAY? digital platform. With the innovative technology providing an opportunity for Moama Bowling Club to ensure their valued 27,000 members enjoy the best venue experience possible.

Brianna Sanders, Moama Bowling Club Gaming Manager, explained, “OK2PLAY? forms a part of our Club’s Responsible Gaming Plan. It is a discreet avenue for our members and guests to ask for help should they need to and, importantly, another way we can connect with our community and provide resources for support”.

“The team at OK2PLAY? are passionate about what they do, as are we, and the technology that supports their passion integrates easily with our existing technology. We want to support our gaming staff and give them clear direction on how our patrons can ask for help. Should a member or guest request assistance, this request will defer to our management team, allowing our team to offer assistance quickly and in real time,” Ms. Sanders concluded.


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