OK 2 Play

ok2play app

The Numbers Speak For Themselves with OK2PLAY?

“In the first forty days over 52,000 (fifty two thousand) people have been asked directly the question, “Are you OK2PLAY?”.

If numbers are your thing, the recent introduction of OK2PLAY? at Sporties Moorebank has yielded some telling results. In the first month of implementation, almost 8,000 Sporties members were asked to simply answer, “Are you OK2PLAY?”at various, convenient points throughout the venue, and in simple terms, 99.4 percent of players have felt safe and secure to continue their venue experience without any further discreet intervention.

That’s almost “perfect” numbers, but it’s the remaining less than one percent that paints the success of the OK2PLAY? technology.

This portion of members who responded that they did not feel OK2PLAY? were approached discreetly by Sporties Senior staff, who facilitated in-venue assistance within an average time of 36 minutes.

Jeff Gibbs, CEO of Sporties, observed, “We had 115 of our members who responded, ‘Ask Me again’, and when OK2PLAY? technology checked in with them a second time they responded they were OK2PLAY?

“By introducing the OK2PLAY? technology into our venue, it allows us to continue to support our customers and staff, support player protection, and also support the whole community. We would like to continue to build on the current measures we have already here at Albury SS&A Club for both our patrons and staff, and by implementing this technology, it will allow us to do that.” Mr Gerard Darmody, CEO, Albury SS&A Club.

“This technology makes it easier for our patrons to reach out to us if they have a problem. It also makes it easier for our staff in the manner that first approach and first contact is made via a discreet and seamless system.” Mr Mario Machado, CEO, Hornsby RSL.

“The purpose is for members to feel secure, and if they do have a problem and they are a bit shy in talking to our staff and trained personnel, this is a way they can go to an easy touch and get help fairly quickly.” Mr Edward Camilleri, CEO, Central Coast Leagues.

Our members are asking themselves the question, and this is the best aspect of the OK2PLAY? platform. It’s simple, effective and normalising members checking themselves and asking for help should it be required.” The OK2PLAY? digital technology is so far proving to be the conduit between members and in-venue assistance for which it was designed.

Bryan Te Wani, CEO of GPT, the leading technology business who developed the platform OK2PLAY? said the platform was working in the manner it was intended, to connect people for a support-based human to human connection, through the use of technology.

“We are already seeing successful implementations of OK2PLAY? into New South Wales and Queensland venues,” Mr Te Wani explains.

“We’re excited to facilitate the change in these venues where barriers that might previously had been are removed, and the new normal is to scan the QR code and ask for help if you need it.

“In implementing OK2PLAY?, our partner venues are ensuring this meaningful connection between their patrons and their staff is maintained and the hospitality venues are taking their social licence seriously. All while protecting untrained staff with the growing challenge leaders face due to stress in venue and on the front line.

“Our venue partners are true thought leaders in the market, often the first in their geographical area to speak to community and care with such a focus. You can see the venue leaders really value the importance of their customers, staff, patrons and the industry, as a priority in everything they do,” Mr Te Wani said.

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