OK 2 Play

Nathan Whiteside, CEO of Orange Ex Services Club

Orange Ex Services’ Club Extend Their Commitment to Members

Orange Ex Services’ Club provides significant support within their surrounding communities. Most recently, the Club has been the driving force behind a fundraising effort for communities affected by the recent NSW floods.

This in mind, it is of little surprise that Orange Ex Services’ Club is the most recent club to introduce the OK2PLAY? digital technology – a platform whose purpose is to protect both players and staff within Australian hospitality venues.

The Australian developed technology removes barriers to asking for help by making the process of asking for help a simple push of a button. Staff from the venue can immediately connect with the member requiring help, connecting them with support services in a seamless, real-time manner.

Nathan Whiteside, CEO of Orange Ex Services Club said, “We have always been committed to going above the standard for our Members and the Orange community in all that we do. The OK2PLAY? program allows us to improve how our team can assist those who really need it.”

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